Day 17: Frome to Taunton

Day 17 is over…thank goodness! 

75km and 700m of climbing in the pouring rain= not so fun! Oh and it was raining so hard at some points today that the rain drops were making the bell on my handlebars ring. Which would’ve been funny if I’d been dry inside all my supposedly waterproof clothes. All I have to say about waterproof socks is that they are NOT at all, even slightly, waterproof. I think I probably have trench foot now. Joy. 

Needless to say Pa declined my encouragement to join me on my ridiculous bike ride today and stayed (mostly) warm and dry in the car. Very sensible. 

The only highlights of the day involved FOOD…yummy farm eggs for breakfast, millionnaire shortbread with my morning coffee, a tasty Waitrose wrap for lunch and Grasmere Gingerbread when I finished. Yum. 


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