Day 20: Dartmouth to Plymouth

After some epic faffing (Ben Woolvin has joined us this morning!) and a delicious but enormous, breakfast at the Dart Marina, Pa, Ben and I set off up the giant hill out of town. 

We followed the main road for quite a while and then turned off into lots of lovely, if hilly, little villages and through green “tunnels” of trees growing completely over the lanes which I enjoyed very much. 

After an hour or so, Pa turned back to Dartmouth the scenic way to collect the car (and Linda who joined us last night by train) and Ben and I carried on towards Modbury for a healthy lunch. All the way I enjoyed the local tour guide commentary from Ben, as we essentially cycled his drive to work today.

We finished the ride to Plymouth in good time, even beating those in the car in fact to our hotel for the night in Plymouth. 

50kms, 650m +


Leaving Dartmouth in the sunshine 

The boatfloat (scene of my regatta victory many years ago!)

Foss Street

Idyllic Devon 


Devon lanes

The bright lights of Plymouth…seems a long time since I last went through a city

Classic British cycle lanes


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